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"Unedited Customer Reviews"

(How can this many people be wrong?)


" I recouped my investment within 2 weeks just by

offering these products to my clients and prospects!"

I didn't have the time to write any products for myself so this offer really was a life line!. I recouped my investment within 2 weeks just by offering these products to my clients and prospects.

At last I now have the credibility of saying that I have a portfolio of products to offer.

I have received many comments and compliments from those that have used the products and three of them have turned into paying coaching clients too - so that was an added bonus!

A great product Sean. Thank you so much


Brian Perry

Coach and Consultant

Northants, UK


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"It creates near instantly useable materials

of professional standard that you can use and

re-use in a whole raft of ways"

The quality and depth of the free sample about Career Management was impressive. Based on looking at that and having had some experiance of writing materials and the time that that takes it was a an easy decision to say Yes to the offer.

The speed with which I can use the materials under my own identity is excellent and has saved me a lot of that most precious of commodoties  ..... TIME. An unexpected bonus has been working through some of the topics to see what's in them has helped me personally to get a better focus on my own business. I guess you call it self coaching!

Very simple: The only way you can lose is by not purchasing the product. It creates near instantly useable materials of professional standard that you can use and re-use in a whole raft of ways; from lead generation to hooking email addresses to revenue generating products or supporting materials to ongoing coaching services.

Tom Hurst
Surrey, UK


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"I lacked the ideas and knowledge to

write ecourses and ebooks..."

"As a new coach I needed a head start with my products as I lacked the ideas and knowledge to write ecourses and ebooks. I also did not have the time to write any material as I needed to be out bringing the money in!

Sean's Royalty Free Coaching Products are an absolute godsend. I literally only had to add my name to each product and they were ready to sell - just incredible!

I have also used some of the information and exercises within the seminars that I deliver.

Thanks Sean for adding to my coaching revenues.

MW Williams

Bristol, UK



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"Your product was comprehensive, professional,

and engaging - just the thing I needed to get started"


As a coach working to establish a solid practice but living in a community where life coaching is a novelty, I needed a way to quickly raise visibility in the community, and ensure I didn't miss any opportunity to hit all of the bases. 

Your product was comprehensive, professional, and engaging - just the thing I needed to get started.

Your product provided me an excellent foundation, as well as ongoing ideas and energy.

Never hesitate to take advantage of something that gives you a head start...and this product does just that!

Brenda Barrington III
South Carolina


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"I haven't seen any similar material offered

anywhere else at these prices and all in one place"


The product is good value for money. It's a versatile product that can be used personally or with clients or as material to support trainings.

It has helped me in that I now have products to offer on my website for a fee or complimentary to established clients. Many of the topics are areas of interest that will assist me in developing myself personally.

These materials are excellent value for money. I'm using them and moving forward in various areas of my life and will also offer them to clients. I am very impressed with the content and range of topics. I haven't seen any similar material offered anywhere else at these prices and all in one place.

Chanelle Johnson

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"If you have a website that is directed towards

helping people progress to there full capabilities,

then these are excellent products to offer"

I was looking for something different from the usual royalty free/Private label rights that abound on the web. Something that I could use to offer my visitors something of real value. 

I have gained personally from reading the courses, and they have given me something to work with, and package for my wesite visitors.

If you have a website that is directed towards helping people progress to there full capabilities, then these are excellent products to offer.

Anthony Beaumont

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