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"Unedited Customer Reviews"

(How can this many people be wrong?)


"Here you've got easy access to high quality, well presented material created by someone who's an expert in the field"

The range and depth of the topics are excellent - they have more substance than the average private label product

Most of us don't have time to create all the material we want. 

But hiring freelancers can be expensive and time-consuming and most private label material is not good enough. 

Here you've got easy access to high quality, well presented material created by someone who's an expert in the field. It sets a high standard and is great value.

Robert Greenshields
London, UK


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"You'll save hours/days/weeks of writing and

you can customize them in minutes"

Immediately usable, top quality programs that can be customized for any coaching market. Sean's principles are applicable to any coaching market. An outstanding deal!

I have already customized two of the programs. One for distance learners and the other for law students. But with or without personalizing these coaching products they're ready to go as is.

Get these superb products now!

You'll save hours/days/weeks of writing and you can customize them in minutes. Sean has created an incredible line of coaching products that you can put to use today!

Peter Loughlin
Florida, US


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"This product has saved me hours and hours of work

and consequently money. It has been fantastic to be immediately be able to have products on the website"

I was excited to find royalty free products at exactly the right time. I was designing a website, building up my coaching contacts, working 28 hours a week for the health service and looking after my family - time and money were at a premium.

This product has saved me hours and hours of work and consequently money. It has been fantastic to be immediately be able to have products on the website.

What I also like is the fact that you can alter and adapt them for your specific niche when required. For me the newsletters have been great as a "safety net"

Only last week having been struck down by a virus coupled with having to cope with a sudden increase in prospects I knew I was not going to meet my ezine deadline. With minimal work I was able to use one of yours to provide the bulk of the content and sent out on time. Phew! Undoubtedly having royalty free products is great value for money.

Royalty free products provide an excellent opportunity for you to put saleable products on your website at minimal cost and minimal work. You can choose the amount of customising you do - from just adding your name to each sheet to using them as a template for your niche. There is enough material to provide variety, a later release and free downloads. If you want to have products on your site but don't have the time to create them - this is the thing for you. The donkey works done- you can have fun tinkering!

Catherine Hadrill
Mid Wales, UK

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"If you don't have the time to produce your

own coaching products, royalty free products from

Sean make an excellent investment"

I had been working on producing my own give away products for my web site. However, having received Sean's products this has saved me considerable time and effort. Very good value for money.

Having received the Royalty Free Products in a format that allows personalising has allowed me to modify or edit to suit my own needs. The Confidence and Motivation ecourses has generated much interest and have helped in building my contact lists.

If you don't have the time to produce your own coaching products, royalty free products from Sean make an excellent investment.

Derek Evans
Nottinghamshire, UK.


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"The Royalty Free Coaching Series is a great product

at a great price.. any one wanting to become a

Life Coach should own this product"

I looked for a long time for content I could use for a coaching program I was wanting to create

Your product is the basis of a coaching program I am going to create. I plan to create ebooks, audio ebooks and print versions of my program

The Royalty Free Coaching Series is a great product at a great price.. any one wanting to become a Life Coach should own this product.

Sandra Lee
Indiana, USA


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"This is perfect for a new coach starting out who is looking for information products to use and sell to their clients without taking too much time inventing it all themselves"

I liked the topics and fact I didn't have to spend time making all this up myself.

Yes, the newsletter articles have been very useful and I have been using the books as bonus items for my clients.

This is perfect for a new coach starting out who is looking for information products to use and sell to their clients without taking too much time inventing it all themselves.

DJ Frost
Florida, USA


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"This is just what I am just looking for"; all ready done

for me, just simple add your own name and, change

the title and sell it as my own"


For a very long time I have always had an intrest to do my own

e-book but never knew what to do.

I could not face the fact that I would spend so much days, months just to do 1 e-book.

So I spent months on the internet looking for a quick solution

e-book sofware. I was put off by some of them knowing to do almost everything myself.

Just about to give up I came across your product I thought "this is just what I am just looking for"; all ready done for me, just simple add your own name and, change the title and sell it as my own..now that is fantastic! no second thoughts what so ever.

It has given me more confidence and to be able to spend more time doing other things ( Rather than having to spend days at my laptop trying to do everthing myself)

In fact I have already started using the e-books on my website some for free and the rest to sell. I have even had people asking me how I get the time to write e-books?

If you are fed up or slaving away trying to do everything yourself, and looking for a easy solution to create your own e-book empire..get straight onto Sean's website..its awsome

By the way Sean about two days ago I said to myself when are you going to be doing some more!

Let me know I am ready! Keep up the good work sean.

Trevor Carter
Sheffield ,UK


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"It has given me a foundation to build upon as I build

back of the room product to support my speaking career"

The opportunity to repackage and resell the valuable information in your product was of primary interest to me.

It has given me a foundation to build upon as I build back of the room product to support my speaking career.

Sean's material is worth the investment - he has saved me hours of development time - well worth the price!

Rich Hopkins
Washington, USA


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"I bought them to make my offerings more

robust... which they have"

The entire sales page was professional and polished, and the offer... products with branding and resale rights was great!

I bought them to make my offerings more robust... which they have.

I would provide a testimonial to their value, and their professional delivery.

Thomas Goniwiecha
Michigan, USA


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"With your products I have an instant ecourse to

generate leads and build new client relationships"


Sean, I want to thank you and congratulate you for making the Royalty Free Coaching products of exceptionally high content quality with a very professional presentation. I will have no reservation about making this highly informative, valuable content available to my clients and subscribers.

It's been an enormous convenience and savings of time and expense for me to use your proven content rather than to write my own, or to search for and hire a writer/ghostwriter, have it written, edited and produced.  With your products I have an instant ecourse to generate leads and build new client relationships; and an instant ezine to provide timely, valuable information to my clients and subscribers. Absolutely great!

If you are a coach looking for a fast, easy and affordable way to get content for your blogs, articles, ezines, newsletters so you can generate traffic, build your list, and automatically develop your client relationships, there's no better option that I know of. Get Sean's Royalty Free Coaching products - now!

Lou Dalo



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