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About Sean McPheat


Sean McPheat is a much sought after life coach, motivational speaker and trainer.

Sean has helped and advised from CEO's, TV celebrities, award winning public speakers, premiership footballers and athletes to people who are unemployed, depressed, unfulfilled or just plain unhappy with their life!

Sean has been featured on the BBC, ITV, CNN International and Arena Magazine to name but a few.

He also provides coaching, training and consulting to a number of businesses around the globe and was the first life coach to really harness the power of the internet where his revolutionary life coaching portal www.lifecoachingstudio.com is bringing life coaching to an international audience - Sean’s clients have come from over 25 countries around the world!

Sean’s commitment to his fresh, hip and trendy approach to the way he coaches is surpassed only by his passion to make a difference to the world and to bring affordable success products to everyone.

Coaching Specialties -

  • Mentor Coaching : Sean runs a very successful mentoring program coaching new and existing coaches to become more successful in their businesses - learning how to coach, how to sell your services, how to get more clients, how to build passive revenue and how to make more money through multiple revenue streams.
  • Confidence Building : Whether it be a lack of self belief, the fear of failing or making mistakes, the ability to stand up in front of groups and give a talk or just the feelings of inadequacy that you have, Sean will be able to uncover what has held you back in life - UNTIL NOW THAT IS, and help you to regain your lost confidence so you can design a life rather than just live an existence.
  • Business/Executive : Sean coaches executives, senior managers, entrepreneurs and members of staff who are on fast track leadership development programmes. Sean will help you to become dynamic leaders, capable of setting strategy and vision, learning ways to increase profitability, staff morale and building winning teams. Sean will be your mentor and will always be there to challenge your current thinking so that you can add real value to your business.
  • Communication Skills : The lack of effective communication skills hold so many of us back. Whether it be how to make small talk, how to deliver winning presentations or how to stand up for yourself in an assertive manner - Sean will be able to provide you with the skills and techniques so that you can build effortless rapport with anyone, communicate exactly what you want without the waffle and how to get yourself heard!
  • Celebrity : Sean also coaches numerous celebrities from the world of TV, FILM and the SPORTING world. Sean helps you to cope with the stresses and strains of being in the public eye, making sure that mentally you are prepared to give 150% in all that you do and generally to ensure that you are happy! It can be a lonely job.
  • Internet Entrepreneur : Sean put into practice what he teaches to his clients and became a very successful internet entrepreneur. Today, Sean is well known for running several internet businesses that make a lot of money! Sean coaches and helps fellow internet business owners in how to market their website, how to get to the top of Google and Yahoo, how to make their site sell and how to ensure that their internet business model is the right one to ensure maximum profitability and growth


Some of Sean's mega success websites include:








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