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Earn upto $48 In Commission Simply By Promoting Royalty Free Products On Your Website, To Your Friends And In Your Email Signatures!


By simply placing links on your website or by sending your email list a feature or plug for our site, you get paid up to $48 for every successful sale that arises from your link.

Our program is free and simple to join.

All you have to do is follow the steps outlined below and within minutes you will be ready to start earning your hefty commission.



Joining our affiliate programme is very easy and will take you less than 2 minutes!

PLEASE CLICK HERE to join today.


Affiliate Tools

Below you will find some tools to help you drive some clicks to my website. All you need to do is get visitors to my site as it will do all of the selling for you!

Attach your affiliate link to any of the tools below and watch your monthly commission checks go through the roof!  

Banner Ads


Place the cover on your website and attach your affiliate code to it.

To save the covers:

  • Hovver your mouse over the cover
  • Right click the mouse
  • Press 'SAVE AS'





Text Links

One very effective way to make use of these headlines is to use them as text links on your website. Very often text links will outperform banners or graphical ads.

Text links should be set-up in a prominent place on your website for maximum exposure and maximum effectiveness. I suggest making them blue and underline (most people look for blue links to click on).

Here are the different headlines to use:


Text Link # 1:


Imagine keeping 100% of the profits with your own hot-selling coaching products - CLICK HERE

Text Link # 2:

Click Here to Discover How You CAN have your very own hot-selling coaching products!

Text Link # 3:

Click Here to Discover How You CAN have your very own hot-selling coaching products and keep 100% of the profits!

Text Link # 4:

Don't Wait Another Moment! Click Here to have your very own coaching products!

Spamming Policy

As an affiliate you agree not to spam and you are soley liable for any unethical spamming tactics.

We will not be held accountable for such actions and take no responsibility for spamming activities on behalf of our affiliates.

We as a company do not promote or indeed condone spam emails.

If you are an affiliate you may email your client lists as long

as they are ethical, ligitimate advertising means through opt-in and permission based marketing.

Please do not spam.



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