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Within just 2 minutes from now you can

have unlimited, royalty free rights to 6 of

the hottest-selling information products

on the market that you can edit, put your

name on, sell for whatever you like

and keep 100% of the profits!

From Sean McPheat

Dear Coach,

Well, you talked and I listened!

After the overwhelming success that I received following the launch of Royalty Free Coaching Products (http://www.royaltyfreeproducts.com) I got bombarded with emails and calls from coaches and consultants asking me when I was going to release some "Business related" royalty free products.

Well, if you read on you will find out that I listened to the advice and indeed took action!

I'm about to hand over to you a royalty free business product package that will just blow you away in terms of quality and the profits that you will generate from them for your coaching business.

Here's the most common problem

that most coaches face...

Most coaches want to offer ecourses and ebooks as a way to generate a passive income yet:

  • They don't have the time to design and write the content themselves
  • They don't have the expertise to write the content
  • They don't have the budget to hire a freelance writer
  • They don't know what their market wants
  • They don't have the inclination/motivation to write them

Does this apply to you too?

If it does then I have a solution that you may be interested in.

It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some coaching products work - while others fall flat on their face.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to create with just the right product, you can now have a collection of profit making business products for your own coaching business, ready to use and sell at your beck and call..

The solution:


Sean McPheat's

Royalty Free

Business Products


Why not use the exact same ebooks, ecourses

and coaching products that I sell on my websites,

put your name on them, sell them for what you

like and keep 100% of the profits?


The bottom line is that these products will make a big impact upon your business.

I personally guarantee that!

You can order my ROYALTY FREE PRODUCTS today and if at anytime during the first 56 days you are not 100% completely satisfied for whatever reason, then just drop me an email and I will refund your money in FULL ...


These products really are the real deal!

But don't take my word for it though, please don't believe a word I say!

Instead, listen to what some other coaches think about my royalty free products...

Comments truncated...


"Saved me many hours...in one month

I have already sold five courses"

"Purchasing the royality free products has saved me many hours of sitting down and writing out the courses myself. In one month I have already sold five courses and doubled my intial investment. If I only purchased one course for the asking price I would have got my money back..."

Martin Ducker


"Here you've got easy access to high quality,

well presented material created by someone

who's an expert in the field..."

"The range and depth of the topics are excellent - they have more substance than the average private label product . Most of us don't have time to create all the material we want. But hiring freelancers can be expensive and time-consuming and most private label material is not good enough.  Here you've got easy access to high quality, well presented material created by someone who's an expert in the field. It sets a high standard and is great value..."

Robert Greenshields



"Immediately usable, top quality programs that

can be customized for any coaching market.

Sean has created an incredible line of coaching products that you can put to use today..."

"Immediately usable, top quality programs that can be customized for any coaching market. Sean's principles are applicable to any coaching market. An outstanding deal! Get these superb products now! You'll save hours/days/weeks of writing and you can customize them in minutes. Sean has created an incredible line of coaching products that you can put to use today..."

Peter Loughlin


"This product has saved me hours and hours of

work and consequently money. It has been

fantastic to be immediately be able to have

products on the website..."

"I was excited to find royalty free products at exactly the right time. I was designing a website, building up my coaching contacts, working 28 hours a week for the health service and looking after my family - time and money were at a premium. This product has saved me hours and hours of work and consequently money. It has been fantastic to be immediately be able to have products on the website..."

Catherine Hadrill


"This is perfect for a new coach starting out

who is looking for information products to use

and sell to their clients without taking too much

time inventing it all themselves..."

"I liked the topics and fact I didn't have to spend time making all this up myself. Yes, the newsletter articles have been very useful and I have been using the books as bonus items for my clients.
This is perfect for a new coach starting out who is looking for information products to use and sell to their clients without taking too much time inventing it all themselves..."

DJ Frost


"I look forward to building an amazing

"Coaching Practice" now that I have the

tools to lead me to success"

As a new coach who has high hopes and expections, but lacking experience in writing copy, these products are right on time. It's as if you stepped into my brain and saw the idea's floating around and said "Hey I have the product's you're looking for, without the hassle of writing them yourself." I can't "Thank You" enough Sean for taking the time to extend such an amazing "Offer" at such a reasonable price..."





Just imagine what it would be like if...

You could own 6 of the most effective and profitable business information products on the market today that were written by an industry expert and that you could pass them off as your own and use them for whatever reason you wanted - what would this mean to your business?

You could use them...

  • As ecourses
  • As ebooks
  • During your workshops and seminars
  • During your coaching sessions
  • With your clients as follow up
  • As articles within your newsletters


The bottom line is this...

I have used these products over the years to build my own coaching empire and have literally made thousands out of them.

Once you have placed your order today, my team will immediately send you the very same 6 products that I sell on my own websites.

Once you receive them, THEY ARE YOURS.

You don't need to put my name on them, you don't need to link back to me, you own them and as such you can do what you want with them!

It's as though you have commissioned me to write these ecourses for you.

It's a simple as that.

All you have to do is put your name and contact details within each ecourse and they are ready to sell if you like! Or you might want to add some of your content to them.

You will receive each one in WORD format.


Here's Exactly What You Get ...




People Management

"How to get people to perform"

Sells for $39 to $69

“People Management - How to get people to perform” is a 97 page ecourse or ebook that is designed for those people or managers who are responsible for managing staff.

Product Description That I Use:

“People Management - How to get people to perform” will enable you to get the best out of your staff and turn you into an inspirational leader.


1- People Management Defined

2-What is Your Organization Saying?

3- Developing Policy

Policy and Procedure

Writing an Employee Handbook


What Do You Have Offer?

Job Descriptions

5- Management Styles


Project Communication

How to Give Orders

Communication Blunders

Feedback and Performance Reviews

7-Conflict Resolution

8-Motivating People

Positive Motivation

9-Getting the Most Out of People

Managing Outsourced Contractors

Disciplining Employees

The Elements of Disciplinary Procedure

10-Terminating Employees

People Management Success Stories

Advice To Help Your Employees Get Along With Each Other




Effective Time Management Strategies

Sells for $39 to $69

“Effective Time Management Strategies” is a 101 page ecourse or ebook that is designed for those people, business owners or managers who just need to find more hours in the day!

Product Description That I Use:

“Effective Time Management Strategies” will enable you to manage your time more effectively and will get you organised freeing up your time for the important stuff!



1- The Secret of Getting More Time

Your Worth

2- Time Estimation

3- Plan Your Time

The Three Faces of Time

Get OUT!

Your Time Budget

Following Your Plan

How To Protect Your Plan

4- Take Control of Your Time

Prioritizing Tasks

The Measures of Task Value

Prioritizing Interruptions

Minimizing Interruptions

Identifying Time Stealers and Arresting Them

The Breakup



Limit Incoming Attacks

Establish Rules for Your Time

5- The Cleanest Dirty Word - Organization


Process Organization

6- To Be Or Not To Be – Making Decisions

Decision Making Techniques

7- Talk… Talk… Talk

Communication Blunders

Communicating More Effectively

8- Delegation and Outsourcing



9- Time Saving Tools

Personal Digital Assistant ( PDA )

Online Project Boards

RSS Feeds

Scanning and Shredding





"I could hardly believe what I was reading! Here I am

plugging away at producing my products for income,

when you offer me the same thing instantly"

"It must have been Kismet when I stumbled upon your site offering royalty free products.

In fact, I could hardly believe what I was reading! Here I am plugging away at producing my products for income, when you offer me the same thing instantly. 

Not only have you given me valuable products, but I have been able to tweek them, personalize them and make them my own. And all this in a fraction of the time it would take me to do it all from scratch.

Within a week I am almost ready to launch the first product as a e-course and have a second product ready to use as a basis for a speaking engagement.

You have provided me with "magic" seeds from which a fertile field will grow!"

Lynn Moore
British Columbia, Canada




The Complete Guide

To Internet Marketing

Sells for $39 to $69


“The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing” is a 122 page ecourse or ebook that is designed for those people, business owners or managers who want to become internet marketing experts.

Product Description That I Use:

“The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing” will enable you to market your business and products on the internet like a pro!



1- Your Website



Expternal Linking

2- Search Engines

How a Search Engine Works

The Most Popular Search Engines

Types Of Search Engines

3- Search Engine Optimization

Inside SEO

HTML code v Text

Your Landing Pages

4- Pay Per Click Advertising

Types of Pay Per Click Advertising

How To Construct A Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign


PPM Monitoring and Management Services

Click Fraud Facts

PPC Advertising Cons

PPC Advertising Pros

5- Affiliate Advertising

6- Press Releases

Your Press Release and SEO

What is RSS Feed?

Create a Press Section On Your Website

Social Bookmarks

Affiliate Marketing and Your Press Release

How to Write A Press Release

7- Blogging

Starting Your Blog

Social Bookmarking




Small Business Management For Success

Sells for $39 to $69

“Small Business Management” is a 98 page ecourse or ebook that is designed for business owners and managers who want to make more profits and run their business more smoothly and effectively.

Product Description That I Use:

“Small Business Management” will enable you to run your business like a successful entrepreneur, making more profits whilst managing your costs. It covers how to manage your staff more effectively and will enable you to finally gain control over your business.



1-What Not To Do

Lose Sight of Your Goal

Make Mistakes

Compete for the Same Customers in the Same Way

Expect Too Much From Your Employees

Concentrate on the Sale

Systems of Management


What Makes a Good Boss?

Assigning Responsibilities

Business Teams


Tips for Employers

Men versus Women


Building a Cohesive Company Culture

Motivating Employees

Employee Benefits

Dealing With the Problem Employee

Invest Your Time





3-Human Resources

Hiring New Employees

Interview Tips

Legal Requirements

4- Operating Reports

Cash Flow

Reading Financial Statements

What are Financial Statements?

Balance Sheets

Income Statements

Cash Flow Statements

Operating Activities Investing Activities

Financing Activities

Financial Statement Ratios and Calculations

5- Marketing and Sales

Customer Service

Tips for Teaching Top-Notch Customer Service

Keeping Customers for Life

Dealing with Angry Customers

What Not to Say

Solving Problems

6- Evaluating Your Management Structure

In Case of Emergency

Worst Case Scenario

Emergency Action Plan

Be Prepared

Getting Back to Work

7- Growing Your Business

Open Another Location

Create Franchise Opportunities

License Your Product

Alliances or Partnerships


Look for New Markets

Government Contracts

Mergers or Acquisitions

Expand Globally

Internet Sales

Top 10 Tips for Using Email Marketing:

Shooting for the Stars

Guidelines for Small Business Success




The Essentials For Starting

A Small Business

Sells for $39 to $69

“The Essentials For Starting A Small Business” is a 106 page ecourse or ebook that is designed for business owners and managers who want to make more profits and run their business more smoothly and effectively.

Product Description That I Use:

“The Essentials For Starting A Small Business” will enable you to run your business like a successful entrepreneur, making more profits whilst managing your costs. It covers how to manage your staff more effectively and will enable you to finally gain control over your business.


1- Before You Get Started

Take a Personal Inventory

Look for a Niche

Market Analysis

2- Top Ten Business Mistakes

3- Start-Up

Naming Your Business

Types Of Business Organisation

Sole Traders



Limited Liability Corporations


Bank Account

Licenses and Permits

Risk Protection

Record Keeping




4- Finance

Assets and Liabilities

Start-Up Cost Estimates

Monthly Expenses

Getting the Money You Need

Obtaining a Loan

Writing a Loan Proposal

Types Of Business Loans

Help Available

Understand and Projecting Cash Flow

Cash Flow Projections

Three Parts Of a Cash Flow Projection

Sales Forecasting

Create A Customer Profile

Create A Competitor Profile

Estimate Your Sales For The First Year

5- Developing Your Business Plan

Sample - Basic Business Plan

6- Marketing Plan

The Brand Plan

Your Customer

Internet Advertising

Newspapers and Magazines

Direct Mail

Radio and Television

Yellow Page Advertising

Trade Shows

7- Understanding Business Management

Personality Traits Of Leaders

Decision-Making Skills

Common Mistakes In Making Decisions

Other Useful Techniques

Customer Relations Skills





"The cost to benefit ratio is outstanding! 

Where else can you have a complete source of coaching materials ready for you as is, or to personalize as you wish?"

"What attracted me to this product is the modular approach to coaching and the ability to expand and personalize the content with my own examples, anecdotes, and any material I have developed on my own. This is the perfect compliment for expanding my own coaching career!

This product has given me another complete set of tools to assist others in getting the most out of life. The assessment tools as I call them in the form of checklists, bulletted items and exercises will help those that I coach develop themselves to the fullest.

The cost to benefit ratio is outstanding!
 Where else can you have a complete source of coaching materials ready for you as is, or to personalize as you wish?"

Terry Canfield
Spokane, Washington, USA



What Is Executive Coaching?

...and why it works!

Great As A Giveaway To

Potential Coaching Clients


“What Is Executive Coaching?...and why it works” is a special report that you can give away to your prospects or offer it as a download on your website.

It educates the reader as to the ins and outs of executive coaching and why it works.

Thus it helps to sell your services especially as you can add your content details and bio to it etc


Within just 30 seconds from now...

Within just 30 seconds from now you can have at your fingertips the most practical, real-world coaching products to kick-start your coaching business and to ensure that it starts to make the profits that you want.


Sean McPheat's

Royalty Free

Business Products



Royalty Free Business Products is all of my very best material that you can now pass off as your own, sell and keep 100% of the profits!


Take Full Advantage of my Money-Back

Satisfaction Guarantee..

56 day NO RISK money-back guarantee!

Order my ROYALTY FREE BUSINESS PRODUCTS today and if at anytime during the first 56 days you are not 100% completely satisfied with for whatever reason, then just drop me an email and I will refund your money in FULL ...


Normal Price $197, $97

Special New Product Launch Price

Just $67

Click Here To Order Securely
By Credit Card Or PayPal


** We cannot guarantee how long the New Product Launch price will remain at $67 **


"It is a wisely spent investment giving you real-world coaching products that will save you time and anguish allowing you to kick-start your coaching business with profits"

I am new to Life Coaching and longed for material that would boost the client's confidence as well as mine in my ability to help them. When I saw your offer, it was a god-send!

Your product has been an absolute god-send for me

I was totally at a loss as to what or where to start in order to advertise my services.

I would say, this product at this price is a no-brainer! It is a wisely spent investment giving you real-world coaching products that will save you time and anguish allowing you to kick-start your coaching business with profits.

Virginia Eubanks
Texas, USA


Here's Three Reasons Why I Priced Royalty Free Products at an Affordable $197

($67 to you for a limited time only)



As someone who has been in your exact shoes, I know that you want value for money and that's what I intend to give you. The nine products that you will receive have taken me the past 4 years to develop and at a considerable cost. The research, planning, development and the writing of the materials that you will have access to took me well over 200 hours to complete and at $200 per hour that works out at $40,000! So when I ask you to invest just $197 it really is a no brainer!


You have probably forked out a lot of money already on training etc and that's why I wanted to make Royalty Free Products as affordable as I can. Compared to other ways that you could spend $197 this will be the most wisely spent investment that you will ever make because of the time that it will save you and the fact that it will make an immediate return for you.


The beauty of Royalty Free Products is that you can start earning from the materials within hours! You will get IMMEDIATE RETURNS for you money.

Just make a couple of sales and you'll receive enough money to pay for the product! 








Order today and within 30 seconds you will have instant access to all of my Royalty Free Business Products, but I don't just want to stop there!

Unlike many other coaching experts I'm not going to sell you a product and then wave bye bye!

I really want to do everything in my power to make sure that I help you.

Therefore, I am offering you 3 fantastic bonuses when you order today.



(worth $495)



A picture says a thousand words! By using an ebook cover on your website you will dramatically improve your sales and professionalism.

But ebook and ecourse covers can be very costly!

The cost for 6 ebook covers alone would set you back in the region of $500+ but I am throwing them in with the package as a special bonus!

When you order today you can use all of the ebook covers for every royalty free product.

You will receive them as below!



(worth $49)




Learn the coaching techniques and the models that I use to coach people.

This is not a royalty free product. Instead, this ebook consists of 30 pages of the very best material that you will ever purchase and I am giving it away as part of this unique offer!




(worth $27)





This is not a royalty free product but you will learn the techniques and the strategies to set appointments, close more deals and overcome those objections!


"It creates near instantly useable materials

of professional standard that you can use and

re-use in a whole raft of ways"

The quality and depth of the free sample about Career Management was impressive. Based on looking at that and having had some experiance of writing materials and the time that that takes it was a an easy decision to say Yes to the offer.

The speed with which I can use the materials under my own identity is excellent and has saved me a lot of that most precious of commodoties  ..... TIME. An unexpected bonus has been working through some of the topics to see what's in them has helped me personally to get a better focus on my own business. I guess you call it self coaching!

Very simple: The only way you can lose is by not purchasing the product.

It creates near instantly useable materials of professional standard that you can use and re-use in a whole raft of ways; from lead generation to hooking email addresses to revenue generating products or supporting materials to ongoing coaching services.

Tom Hurst
Surrey, UK


Now you can get my Royalty Free Products PLUS these 3 superb bonuses for the

one off payment of just $67!


Normal Price $197, $97

Special New Product Launch Price

Just $67

Click Here To Order Securely
By Credit Card Or PayPal


** We cannot guarantee how long the New Product Launch price will remain at $67 **




Take Full Advantage of my Money-Back

Satisfaction Guarantee..

56 day NO RISK money-back guarantee!

Order my ROYALTY FREE BUSINESS PRODUCTS today and if at anytime during the first 56 days you are not 100% completely satisfied with for whatever reason, then just drop me an email and I will refund your money in FULL ...



Normal Price $197, $97

Special New Product Launch Price

Just $67

Click Here To Order Securely
By Credit Card Or PayPal


** We cannot guarantee how long the New Product Launch price will remain at $67 **


To your coaching success!

Sean McPheat

Sean McPheat

Royalty Free Products

P.S Remember, I guarantee that if you are not 100% satisfied with the products that you will receive, you can ask for your money-back and I will give you an immediate 100% refund and you can keep the products and STILL have unlimited royalty free rights to them!. Click here to order online right now





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